Posts Tagged ‘iron man 3’

Marvel Studios has announced that production has begun on Tony Stark’s latest adventure, Iron Man 3, by releasing the first official image from the highly anticipated sequel, showing Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, facing an assortment of different Iron Man suits. There was already a leaked set photo (below) showing that the movie will include the Iron Patriot – the red, white and blue armour. I’ve heard revealing who may be wearing it could be a potential spoiler, so I’ll only put it at the end of the post, read at your own discretion.  (more…)

More Marvel news and James Badge Dale (The Lone Ranger) is reportedly going to play Savin, a villain in Iron Man 3, starring Robert Downey Jr and directed by Shane Black(more…)

As Marvel and Disney get ready to unleash their biggest movie yet – The Avengers -_-  –  Variety has some casting news regarding one of the avengers; Iron Man. The scoop is that Ben Kingsley is close to signing a deal that’ll see him play the role of villain in Iron Man 3, which is set to begin shooting next month. No news on who he’ll be playing, but it seems certain that his character won’t be Tony Stark’s archenemy, the Mandarin(more…)

With Marvel’s The Avengers finally coming out this year, one may begin to wonder ‘what next for Marvel’s super hero franchise…?’ Enter Disney. (more…)